8 daily ways to cope with depression

1. Eat well

Tons of studies have been conducted into the connection between food and mood, and they've shown omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins to be pretty effective: filling up on oily fish, leafy greens, nuts, eggs and poultry is a great place to start. Sure, starting the day with a green smoothie or ending it with an omelette won't make magically make you depression-free, but in addition to helping your insides function as they should, eating well is a promise to yourself each day to take care of your body, rather than giving up on it, and that's a step in the right direction.

2. Light up

Seasonal Affective Disorder, also know as SAD, is a type of depression in itself, but even if you don't suffer from that condition specifically, getting more sunlight has been proven to make you feel more positive. It's tempting, but try not to burrow away in your duvet - even 30-60 minutes of sunlight will boost the levels of serotonin in your brain, so go out of your way to pop to the shops, grab a cup of tea with friends, or even just take a walk around the block every 24 hours. And if not for the sunlight, do it for the…

3. Exercise

We get it - when you're feeling low, the last thing you want to do is hit up a workout class in your finest neon lycra, and you totally don't have to do that. However, getting your body moving is important - the NHS notes that exercise can boost your energy, improve your mood and reduce stress, and people who take part in regular physical activity have a 30% lower chance of developing depression in the first place. In some cases, your doctor can even offer exercise on prescription to help alleviate your symptoms - regular exercise will have more of an impact than a one-off effort, so if you can get into a daily routine, it'll work wonders.

4. Sleep properly

Thinking 'oh, but I always get my eight hours?' Well, sleeping too much can be just as problematic as not sleeping enough. Make your bedroom a restful environment - soft textiles, scented candles, proper, light-blocking blinds, the whole she-bang - but also be conscious of maintaining a routine where you leave it every morning at a reasonable time. Anything over around 10 hours a day is generally considered oversleeping, so if you can't get out of bed after that point, it's time to speak to your doctor about possible solutions. There's a difference between being really tired and feeling unable to face the day.

5. Remember the good stuff

Surround yourself with images that make you happy, from photos of the best times with family and friends to inspirational quotes that spark motivation. Stick them up around your house, on your phone background, as your screensaver at work, in the mirror you look in every morning - wherever they're going to catch your eye most often. It's not just about remembering those amazing moments, it's about spurring yourself on to create more, and you'll be surprised how much of a difference they can make during especially dark days.

6. Practice self care

Self care is different for each person, from a piping hot bath to something creative like painting or baking, or even just half an hour with a good book and a blanket. The first step is figuring out what makes you happy, and the next is making time each and every day for something that is purely for your pleasure. Once you've got it down, don't let anyone make you feel guilty for allowing time for yourself - it's not selfish, it's necessary, and in fact, they should probably try it too…

7. Identify your triggers

Mental health charity Mind suggests keeping a diary - not only because writing can be hugely therapeutic, but also because it can help you to keep a track of your moods, and identify any people, events or areas that are making you feel worse (or better!) than usual. Treat yourself to a proper notebook with nice thick paper and keep it by your bed, and do your best to add an entry every night, even if it's just a couple of lines. As the months pass, you'll be able to spot any negative patterns, and take action to prevent them from repeating.

8. Reach out

Possibly the most important step of all: Don't. Cut. People. Out. Depression can be incredibly isolating, and most of the time, you probably won't feel like socialising, but even when you can't face going out the front door, don't ignore anyone completely. Drop them a text, send an email, let them know how you're feeling, and chances are, they'll help more than you ever expect. Remember, 1 in 4 UK adults has experienced some kind of mental health condition, and you don't have to cope with yours alone.


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